Always wanted to look young is the desire of many people . However , to maintain the youthfulness of the skin and body , many women often justifies any means , including tempted to taste a wide variety of cosmetic products .In fact , if you choose the wrong product can actually make the skin look older and wrinkles . If you want to look young and fresh every day , try these tips to look younger quoted from the pages below:1 . Use moisturizerTo keep skin fresh and moist , use a skin moisturizer on the face and body . Choose a moisturizer that is suitable for you , and apply regularly twice a day , morning and evening after bathing .2 . Try natural teeth whiteningOver time , teeth may yellow color due to the consumption of coffee , tea or wine . This condition makes you look older . You can whiten teeth quickly with natural products . Use strawberries mixed with baking soda is believed to whiten teeth in an instant . Or , brush your teeth regularly , it can also remove stains on teeth .3 . smileThis simple behavior can make your face more fresh and bright . Smiling also makes you feel younger .4 . enough sleepLack of sleep can cause eye looks swollen , pale skin and facial skin looks dull and slack . For it did enough sleep 7-8 hours per night so you look more refreshed appearance .5 . Use the right cosmeticsDry skin can show an older age . Do not use cosmetics with powder blushes if your skin including dry skin . Because , powder blushes tend to make fine lines and wrinkles look more real . Better, use a cream product , so smooth strokes obscured .6 . Always use sunscreenAlways use sunscreen to protect your skin . Khsus to face , just use on the T-zone ( forehead , nose , and chin area ) , if you have oily skin .7 . Avoid mascara is too thickWipe with a tissue before applying mascara to lashes that look more natural . And , use pelentik lashes before using mascara .8 . moist lipsUse a moisturizing lipstick that has , avoid matte lipsticks , because it can make the lips look dry , and causing lines on the lips . If you do not want to wear colored lipstick , try a lip balm or lip gloss . Nuance slightly darker than natural lip color will brighten your skin .9 . Expand the white waterDrink 6-8 glasses a day is the recommended amount , and will keep the skin protected from dehydration .10 . standing UprightStand upright and confident . Not only will it make you look five years younger , it will make you look thinner 4 kg in a matter of seconds .

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