Why Run increasingly Favorited Women?
Beginning with the emergence of various communities such as IndoRunners run , adiNation ; until the various competitions are held for the lovers of this run . Throughout 2013 , there were at least 50 races held in Indonesia and about 80 percent of which took place in Jakarta . The category also varies , 5 kilometers , 10 kilometers , 21 kilometers aka half marathon , marathon , until the trail category . This number increased approximately threefold compared to five years ago . In Indonesia alone , the race is something we encounter on a regular basis for more than 10 years ago . Call it the " 10K " race with a short kilometers , which is usually divided into two categories: professional and amateur .
The proliferation of similar competition the past two years may be associated with the world trend also held many similar events . Not to pursue the achievement , but now people ran the race was to find fun while charity . For example, a race to commemorate World Cancer Day or AIDS . Or better , the race ran Color Run is made very attractive and fun for the participants ' showered ' powder colors to reach the finish line . No wonder the Color Run is a new race was first held in Jakarta , January, managed to siphon 11 thousand participants from all walks of life .
Unlike sports CrossFit , Zumba or TRX , this track is not new . If you can walk , chances are you can run as long as the body is in a normal and healthy condition . Dr. . Vishnu Rachmad Hidayat , Sp . KO , lecturer of Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia said one reason is because running popular sport is easy to do and does not require equipment adventurous . Pretty shoes and sports apparel . " In contrast to the swimming to be done in the pool or aerobics are generally performed as if the mass itself was not fun, " he said .
Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology , University of Indonesia , Muhammad Roby , states run trend emerging in Indonesia is part of the healthy living trend that emerged in berbagaibelahan world . Incidentally , at this time , the expression of which is becoming the trend of healthy living is run .
At other times , it may be another form of exercise or diet trend. Because part of the trend of the world , it is no wonder that this trend is growing rapidly in large cities because of access to information and global trends in large cities more .
The following 2 reasons active women who are interested in running olaharaga :
Lulu Dewayanti Drachman ( 46 )" About six years ago , I regularly exercise mountain bike . Coincidence between the friends there who love to run outdoors. I had come to try . Still often used to run , but only indoors on a treadmill only aliases . Was fun until I decided to follow the Singapore Marathon race . In addition to running and cycling , I also practice swimming . My goal , join a triathlon ! Running outdoor is a lot of interference , ranging from the sun that can burn the skin , air pollution and many more . But it makes me feel tired , especially done with friends . To make the run more interesting, I always make sure I wear clothes until brightly colored socks and matching . His name is also a former model hahaha ... "
Melanie Putria" There is a term runners high , maybe that's what I experienced . Often when I started running in the whole state . And when you run, all problems seemed lost , I do not think anything except run . Afterwards , all of the load off, I got the inspiration to solve my problem . It has not ever get from other sports . Initial training run , I was able to penetrate 15 km . When there is a race in Jakarta , I was determined to take the category of 16.8 km and half marathon . Was able to finish . In 2011, I returned determined to participate in the Singapore marathon 42 miles with only a month of preparation . Marathon competitions this be my turning point . "
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